Saturday, December 1, 2007

Letter from Elizabeth to Erin, 1919

Theresopolis, Aug 28 1919 Thursday

My dear Erin
I have just opened the parcel of note paper that Father brought up on Saturday and was most agreeable surprise to find two letters enclosed, one from you the other from Betty, for which accept my thanks and also for the note paper.The weather up here is simply perfect and although I am quite alone I have just enjoyed the change. With yard the rats and mice I think are all dead, at least those which invaded the house. Yesterday Julio found six large rats dead, in the baracao so you can imagine what harm they would have done had steps not been taken to get rid of them. I noted that you say about going out in the morning and nights air.I am very well so far but I do get very tired during the day. Today a Boy has come to do the scrubbing and I shall leave everything nice and clean. Father is coming up on Saturday, + Betty and perhaps George. Why don’t you come too?We all shall return to Rio next day Sunday, 31st. I feel very much annoyed to hear about the shortness of water. I must try to do something when I return. Hoping you are all quite well. With much love to yourself and Betty and Aunty, your affectionate mother.
I have written to Aunty and Betty.

See Original Letter Here

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